RSL Remembrance Ride

November 8-12 2023 | High Monaro, NSW | 450kms

DAY 1 - Cooma to Bombala

Seventeen cyclists and three support staff assembled at Centennial Park to begin the 450km gravel ride around the High Monaro to promote Remembrance Day in the district.  The cyclists were farewelled with a message from the Mayor, Chris Hanna.  It started drizzling as the riders headed past Myalla Station and over the Brothers.  After climbing out of the Maclaughlin River Valley, there was a much-needed lunch break before it was onto Bombala as best legs could do.  On the first evening in Bombala, a brief service was held with both the Bombala and Delegate Sub-Branches, followed by dinner at the Imperial Hotel.  At the dinner, the cyclists presented the Delegate Sub-Branch president, Dermot Ryan, with a $500 cheque to assist with the maintenance of the Delegate RSL Hall - the smallest RSL Hall in Australia. 

Day 2 - Bombala to Nimmitabel 

The cyclists headed out through Coolangubra Forest in light drizzle before heading North through Creewah and onto Nimmitabel.  It was a scenic ride through the forest and along the Bombala River valley, passing through Creewah locality.  Once the group arrived in Nimmitabel, they visited the Nimmitabel Cenotaph where a brief service of remembrance was held.  

Day 3 - Nimmitabel to Cooma

It was a tough ride out through Kybean, Countegany. The cyclists stopped for lunch at Numeralla at the junction of the Badja and Numeralla Rivers.  After lunch, there was more tough terrain ahead, climbing to Cooma. Upon arrival in Cooma, the local bike shop saw some good business as a number of cyclists had to get repairs following some rough sections of terrain over the previous 3 days.

Day 4 - Remembrance Day Service Cooma, O/C Cooma to Dalgety 

The team attended the Cooma Remembrance Day service. After the service, they cycled to Dalgety in 30-degree heat and strong headwinds going via Cottage Ck, Bobundara and Arable roads.  It was a quiet night after dinner at Buckleys Crossing hotel, with an early start planned for Day 5. The team camped the night alongside the Snowy River.

Day 5 - Dalgety to Bungarby, O/C Bungarby to Cooma

The team had an early start to ensure that they would make it to Bungarby for the Service of Remembrance. This Service was the main focus of the November RSL Remembrance Ride. Bungarby Memorial Hall was constructed by local residents in 1905. It houses a collection of significant memorabilia and honour boards for the First and Second World Wars, as well as photos of local men and women who have served. Commemorative services are held on Anzac Day and Remembrance Day bringing together people from all over the locality to commemorate. The RSL Remembrance Ride wanted to support Bungarby and attend its Remembrance Day service.  The Remembrance Ride team also donated $500 to the Bungarby Hall Committee President Andrew Dunlop to assist with maintaining the hall.

 After the service, the team returned to Cooma, completing what was a challenging but rewarding ride.

Cyclists came from Adelaide, Northern Rivers, Central Coast, Sydney, Jervis Bay and local area.

Camping at Bombala, Nimmitabel and Dalgety, all were impressed with the landscape of the district and even the riding given the ongoing hills each day. 

What an incredible experience the 2023 RSL Remembrance Ride was.

Having cycled through the Monaro high country mostly on gravel roads the scenery at times was breathtaking with the backdrop to the Snowy mountains on view throughout the ride. Conducted over 5 days with around 440 kilometres completed the ride was both challenging and very rewarding.

The highlight was being able to conduct a small Remembrance Day service at each of the small villages we passed through, pausing to pay our respects to all service personnel who lost their lives in defence of their country.

The small group of cyclists and support crew bonded quickly and encouraged each other throughout the ride, enabling the desired outcome to be achieved.

Former Navy Warrant Officer Darren Hooper

Would like to join us in 2024?

Expressions of interest are now open for the 2024 ride.

THE Mission

  1. To deliver an opportunity for Veterans to challenge themselves in a mentally supportive environment whilst riding a scenic trail.

  2. To provide an environment for Veterans to foster connections with other Veterans.

  3. To link and support veteran communities within the villages and towns along the route.

  4. To promote the Returned & Services League of Australia as we pass through the towns and villages, highlighting the importance of remembering those who went before us and the imperative to support and assist returning service personnel struggling with post-operational physical and mental trauma.