RSL advocacy work Extensive and Ongoing, Influencing Government on Key Issues

The RSL makes regular representations to the Australian and State Governments on a range of veteran issues, defence matters and broader community concerns.

The National President, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, State Presidents and CEOs meet with Ministers and departmental heads and present the RSL’s views on questions extending from the treatment of veterans’ claims and Defence recruitment to education, housing, health, and community welfare.

In the past six months alone, the RSL has been heavily engaged in attending the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide after assisting in the development of its terms of reference, as well as the presentation of submissions and evidence to the hearings and being a member of the Commission’s Stakeholder Reference Group. The League has also made representations on the harmonisation of veteran entitlements legislation, the Commonwealth’s aged care review, successfully lobbied to speed up the Department of Veteran Affairs’ claims process and for increases in payments for veterans’ health services.

The RSL also presented a comprehensive pre-budget submission to the Commonwealth Treasury and has conveyed its views on announcements such as the Defence Review, enhancements to the service fleet and other defence issues.

Much of this activity is accessible on the RSL’s website and reported on in the National President’s regular newsletters to members.

The President and CEO meet with and talk regularly to Commonwealth Ministers, and Branch officials are in continuing contact with Ministers in their respective States and Territories.

This work is extensive and ongoing and while information is reported regularly to stakeholders, it is not always appropriate to disclose conversations with Government. From time to time, some discussions must remain confidential for the RSL to achieve the positive outcomes it is seeking for the veteran and Defence community.

With the help of our members, we will continue to campaign for better outcomes for veterans and their families. It has been our mission since 1916 to advocate for benefits, treatment, and the welfare of current and ex-serving members of the Australian Defence Force, and to lead the nation in commemorative services. For more than 100 years we have been guided by this mission and there is always more to be done.


AUKUS is all there is. There is no Plan B.


Veterans Return to Timor-Leste for 25th Anniversary Commemoration