REMEM ‘BEAR’ ANCE 2022: Recognising the strength and sacrifice of DEFENCE & VETERAN families


#rememBEARance #rememBEARfamilies #RemembranceDay2022

This coming Remembrance Day on the 11th of November 2022, a special #RememBEARance campaign has been launched by Defence Families and Legacy which has received RSL Australia’s support.

To acknowledge the strength and service of our Defence families, the campaign encourages families attending commemorative services to lay a small bear beside alongside their wreaths to acknowledge the families of veterans and current serving Australian Defence Force members.  

On a day when we stop to remember and honour those who served, those currently serving and those we have lost, we also want to pay tribute to our defence families who also make significant sacrifices to support our nation.

Recent 2021 Census data shows that 1 in 20 Australian households (5.3%) have at least one person who was either currently serving or had previously served in the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

It is encouraged for those families who participate in this ceremonial gesture of laying a bear, to return and collect their bear (or sentimental item) at an appropriate time after the commemoration ends. Refer to FAQs on protocol

Legacy Australia Chairman Legatee Eric Easterbrook said that this was an easy initiative to support but has a big impact in commemorating our veterans and their families.

“Laying a teddy with a wreath is a beautiful symbol to help commemorate the sacrifices that our military families make for our country,” Mr Easterbrook said.

RSL Australia National President Greg Melick said families play a vital role in supporting our veterans, both during and post service.

“The gesture of laying a bear to acknowledge their role, in addition to the traditional wreath laying on Remembrance Day is a new concept led by Defence Families of Australia to which we have given our support,” Mr Melick said.

This partnership between Legacy, RSL and DFA is an example of a positive collaboration between agencies which support and pay respect to veterans, current serving members and their families.

“Families are essential to supporting a stronger Australian Defence Force,” said Mrs Laaksonen-Sherrin.

“Our Defence capability thrives when families are valued and supported during and following their military service.

“We hope this campaign will give Defence and veteran families the recognition they deserve, but don’t always get, for their service to our nation by supporting their ADF member.”

For social media resources and frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the #RememBEARance campaign, please go to


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Remembrance Day is about veterans. Is the RememBEARance campaign trying to detract from recognising the service and sacrifice of veterans?
A: Not at all. This collaboration between DFA and Legacy Australia, supported by RSL Australia, is about recognising the families behind the current and former serving Australian Defence Force members. The act of laying a bear can be done in addition to the traditional laying of a wreath, and is a way to remember the families missed and loved by the serving member while they were on duty.

2. Must I lay a bear to participate in this campaign?

A: It is recommended participants select a small toy of significant personal or sentimental value which can then be collected at an appropriate time after the commemoration event. We strongly recommend your item be no larger than 30cm and reflect the solemn nature of the Remembrance Day commemoration event.

3. What happens to the bears or sentimental items after the event?

A: We encourage you to collect your bears or sentimental toys at the end of the commemoration event when the ceremony is officially over. This is to help avoid sending the bears to landfills unnecessarily, and to reduce the workload of event organisers. If it helps, you may like to clearly identify your bear with a card with your name on it.


About Defence Families of Australia

Established in 1986, Defence Families of Australia (DFA) is the official group representing the interests of families of current serving ADF members. As the official families advisory body to the Minister for Defence Personnel and Chief of the Defence Force, we advocate for ongoing improvement in policy and practice. Our team are located all across Australia, and are veterans or family of current serving Defence members. Our advocacy drives change to decrease the negative aspects, and to support the positive aspects of Defence life.

About Legacy Australia

As one of Australia’s oldest and most iconic charities, Legacy supports 43,000 families of Australian Defence Force personnel who have given their lives or their health in service to their country. Legacy is dedicated to enhancing the lives and opportunities of our families through innovative and practical assistance, aimed at protecting individuals and families’ basic needs, advocating for their entitlements, rights and benefits, assisting families through bereavement and helping people thrive, despite their adversity and loss.


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